
We help you find calm and clarity, connecting you with your creativity and inner wisdom through our workshops, individual programs and guided immersive meditations.

The ability to look deeply is the root of creativity. To see past the ordinary and mundane and get to what might otherwise be invisible.

Rick Rubin

Journey Within

You might feel lost, confused, or unsure about your next steps in life. You don't need therapy, tarot readings, astrology, energy healing, or well-meaning friends. What you truly seek is inner peace, clarity, and understanding of your own needs and desires.

You don’t want anyone else's opinions, advice, or coaching. You need a clear connection to your inner truth, free from outside interference.

If you’re unsure where to start, this is the place.

In six one-hour sessions, I will guide you through immersive meditations designed to help you tune into your inner wisdom and creativity. There will be no coaching during our sessions. Instead, you will lay the groundwork for accessing your intrinsic intelligence. These meditations will help you listen to yourself and find your inner compass.

This is the beginning of your journey to reconnecting with your creativity and self discovery.

Mindful Creativity

You might feel disconnected from your creativity, having lost your joy or yearning to reconnect to creative processes after years of neglect. Through a blend of immersive guided meditation and creative expression, you will find tools to achieve inner calm, mental clarity, and access your innate wisdom.

Our approach integrates mindfulness, creativity, and creative processes to explore self-expression. This journey helps you gain personal insights, develop new coping skills, enhance inner wellness, and build resilience in our ever-changing world.

This creative and insightful process is enjoyable and beneficial for reconnecting to your creativity whilst quietening the mind, relieving stress, fostering inner wellness, and building resilience.

We offer sessions for individuals or groups, tailored to what works best for you.

Designalyse your life

Create your life by design rather than default. Maybe you want to proactively create the life you crave rather than going where the tide takes you.

This workshop is for anyone like me, that thinks your life is your most important project and applying some simple design principals is a great way to start thinking that you are in charge of designing the life you desire.I believe everyone is creative, and creativity is not simply the capacity to draw or compose or sculpt, but a way of problem solving. Often all it takes to unlock the potential as a dynamic problem solver is creative confidence.

We have designed workshops involving exercises that build your creative confidence and enhance problem solving. Using a number of simple creative tools and exercises, including Immersive Guided Meditations to quieten the mind and find inner clarity, you can start thinking about creating your life from a different perspective.

We offer sessions for individuals or groups, tailored to what works best for you.

Under the Wave

Dive beneath life's turbulence and distractions to find calm, clarity, and purpose. This workshop, the first in a three-part series, can stand alone or serve as an introduction to the others.

Designed for those in the third phase of their lives seeking meaning and purpose, this workshop helps you discover meaningful work that embodies the wisdom you’ve gained.

Through immersive guided meditations and creative tools, we’ll help you think differently and proactively about your life. We believe everyone has unique gifts to offer the world, and we aim to help you uncover and share yours.

Join our 6-week program with 2-hour sessions to find your "why."

This workshop is part of the Third Wave Series, more information to follow.

Clarify Your Focus

Creating a defining year of growth for your dream year to become a reality.

Maybe you are at a crossroad, feeling adrift or decisions are on the horizon. You are looking for peace inside your mind and what feels true for you. Maybe your looking for clarity and to be able to think clearly.

Together we will go through 6 x two hour sessions setting a pathway to your innate intelligence through Immersive Guided meditations and creative tools to help you become more receptive to the answers that are already within you.

After our 6 sessions you will have a clearer understanding of what’s next for you to accomplish your dream year and a number of meditations for your personal library.


“Sally artfully leads a deeply transformative immersive guided meditation experience. She has the natural ability to gracefully create a powerful group connection while simultaneously leading each individual deep within to their own inner wisdom. Guided by Sally’s soothing, soulful voice, I feel safe & supported to explore my inner world and receive the encouragement, guidance, and inspiration I need to move forward in alignment with my soul.”  Jen Liesener

"Sally leads with the creative passion of a true artist, painting wisdom on the canvas of your heart. Her experience unveiled the creativity I'd let fall away from me and brought me back to a place of resonance with my true nature. What a memorable experience!" -Emmie Moss

Sally’s immersive experiences are piece of art within themselves, they are a phenomenal example of the magic that happens when an artist takes you on a journey into your imagination. Her beautiful voice combined with her innate ability to weave visual elements into her experiences transports you effortlessly to that place deep inside where your inner wisdom resides. Sally has the unique skill of guiding you through an experience in such a way that you will not only gain clarity within the session, you will also be left with a new way of seeing things that will stay with you afterwards. Simply sublime, thank you Sally – Dee Williams

"“Sally is a wonderful immersive meditation facilitator! All the meditation experiences I had the pleasure to attend were so insightful, calming, inspiring, and uplifting. I love the soothing tone of her voice and her giving all attendees the opportunity to tune into themselves, their intuition, and their true desires. I highly recommend her! Thank you, Sally!” Pamela.

Please contact us if you would like to find out more about any of our workshops and programs.