Westfield Doncaster

Melbourne Vic

Working in the capacity as Creative Leader and Head of Interior Design for Scentre Group and Westfield Centres we designed a new dining precinct within an existing space, adapting a previous out dated space to become a dynamic dining destination. This included a number of cafes and restaurants, an external dining area and a new kids play activated by local artist engaged to create Public Art, colour and vibrancy to the area.

The existing carpark was screened from view and container kiosks were installed to create a pop up, festive environment. Art, sculpture, lush landscape and pots were designed to soften the once hard space and activate at a human level.

The result is an authentic, dynamic and vibrant dining precinct above the existing mall and activation of a once neglected area, creating an enriching place for the local community to eat, play, gather and dwell.


Photography: Nicole Reed

Artwork: Ambush Studios